
13 May 2019 – Ilfracombe to Padstow

Some absolutely stunning sailing today despite a slightly later start than we wanted.

We ambled SW from Hartland point and then benefited from strong winds as we pushed more offshore.

The strong wind and the shadowing of the Devon coast meant that I had to reef several times. The system is a single line reefing design but there seems to be too much friction in the system…More check later!

The sail down was great fun but the lack of marine live is unusual. No dolphins and very few see birds. Perhaps it is the duration of this Easterly wind that is changing things?

When we arrived at The Mouls it was very clear that this was only a viable anchorage with a SW wind.  The Easterly we had was churning the surf around the Mouls rock which isn’t shown well by the picture so we pressed on for a better anchorage.

Pressing on passed the headland there where a couple a options but the beach in Padstow Bay was too good an option to pass up.  Although the wind was still strong, the hills moderated the force and reduced the gusts.

The bottom was sandy and clear of rocks and the holding very good.  Now free of the Bristol channel the tidal range was much reduced and so although I dropped lots of chain with the anchor, it was overkill.  Still a good holding leads to a good night’s sleep.

A great little anchorage and well protected from everywhere but the West.  Padstow does have a fearful reputation with the infamous ‘Doom Bar’ at the SW of the entrance. The actual term is a modification for doon or dune bar which just means sandy bar.

At low tide the threat is clear and you are wise to stay to the channel.

Entrance to Padstow and the Doom Bar shallows clear in the lighter water.

Doom Bar at low water!

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