
17 May 2019 – St Michael’s Mount to Falmouth

Shattered after the previous night’s anchor watch and a tiring day, sleep came easily and the restful night brought a misty hazy dawn with a fairytale air around the castle.  The wind had dropped significantly so we motored South East towards lizard point and then onwards toward Falmouth. Beam on to the sea, tide and prevailing swell without sails up made for an uncomfortable sail.  Large movements of the boat shook a few things from shelves but generally, most items had been secured well, proving the approach of having stuff jammed into spaces to stop them moving was working! 

The sun broke through the haze late morning and we motored in sunshine the last few miles to Falmouth harbour.  Not much had changed here. Pendennis Marina was larger with additional pontoons but overall it had the same familiar feel. The marina office had familiar faces and after sorting the boat and a shower, dinner was a treat, Pizza in town with a couple of beers.

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