
Logbook – Baiona to Leixoes 21 Aug 19

Baiona has 2 fuel pontoons listed but only one seemed to be active.

It is also alongside a pump out station for grey and black water which looks very much like the fuel jetty. So be cautious and make sure you don’t make the same mistake I made and have to move.

Fuel was the usual good quality at a reasonable price. And then we were off again.

The weather had blown through and so we spent the day on the engine motoring South.

Leixoes – Credit Navionics
Leixoes Anchorage – Credit Marina.com

At 1250 we passed into Portuguese waters.  The coast had been opening up into longer and longer beaches and as we headed South, the Portuguese coast looked more like a long deserted beach.  Occasionally we saw new build resorts popping up but these were fortunately few and far between.

We made good time and pushed on but didn’t have the speed to make Porto so we anchored at Leixoes.  This is more of a commercial port so it is lively and bright but the holding and protection are good.  It’s not a place to visit unless you like industry but Porto is only a bus ride away.

We didn’t have the time to stay and explore so the anchorage was fine for one night…and free!

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