
Logbook – La Linea – Sotogrande – Dequesa – 21 Jul 24

After a few days in La Línea, it was time to press on into the Med proper and work our way slowly up to the Balearics. We rose early to get t the fuelling pontoon, which allegedly opened at 0900 on a Sunday. An easy docking but an hour’s wait as Sunday is 1000 opening, despite the website and door. I suspect the local manager makes up his own hours based on hangover size. Even his assistant was surprises at his late arrival!

Fuelling was fast and efficient, and more importantly cheap. And then we pressed on under motor South passed Europa Point and then on to the Eastern side of the rock. Up can the sails for our first taste of Med sailing. This was characteristically, calms and then sudden rushes of too much wind. Still it is good to shake of the reefing cobwebs and get a feel for Eclipse again.

Refuelling in Gib

We made good progress up toward Sotogrande and so decided that we could make good Duquesa for the night. A quiet anchorage but a rolly one despite the wind dropping. I’ll need to review our anchoring techniques to deal with strange swell conditions…If nothing else it will allow me to a avoid sleep deprivation psychosis…which would be nice.

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