Gwithian’s Beach – Cornwall
Gwitihian’s Beach – Cornwall
N50 12 9
W005 24 8
Again this was a late choice for an anchorage as the SW wind didn’t arise and so the planned anchorage at St Ives didn’t look as inviting. A lumpy swell and a lee shore.
So we anchored off Peter’s Point Gwithian’s beach in St Ives bay.
This gave us some protection from the Northerly component of the swell from Godrevy and Strap Rocks, kept us clear of the surf line and gave us good holding in sand. Anchoring off so far meant much more chain out. It needed a clean anyway! It also meant a large scope of movement so an anchor watch was posted to ensure we didn’t drift in towards the beach.
No charge
Great views and a nearly all-around protection (except from the West)
Easy access to the beach, particularly if you get the anchoring wrong!.
Swell and scope left us requiring an anchor watch
Credit -Image – Archie Pelago