Logbook – Ushant to St Evette 2 Aug 19
Refreshed after a good night’s sleep, we had some checks and preparation to do before we left Ushant. This time we had more judiciously planned a slack water departure to avoid the overfalls.
Engine checks should that the mounts just needed a little nipping up but all else was well.
I took advantage of a mooring and relatively calm weather to climb the mast and check the rig. I noted some minor issues which seemed to be old (prior to the refurbishment) a small crack in the footing for a starboard spreader and some paint chips but all else was great. I tensioned up the backstay a little and then we secured for sea and our trip to Sainte-Evette.

The run to Sainte-Evette was a very pleasant run, but again, mostly on the engine as the wind was light and variable. I was nice to not have to wear cold-weather gear and the French sun beat down to soothe muscles still aching from the long crossing from Britain.
Two points stood out on this leg…Firstly, how many large pods of dolphins were feeding in this stretch of water and secondly, how uninterested they were in us. Normally, a dolphin pod dances and plays around us before going on its way. It was almost as if these dolphins have seen so many boats that it’s like a driver passing cows…none of them are remarkable enough to stop and look at.
The entry channel to Sainte-Evette is distinguished by transit markers which you follow until the port marker on the Westerly wall is at 290 degrees.
Sainte-Evette is a lovely little port and we decided to anchor off rather than use a mooring buoy. More privacy and quieter. A local chap came out in a boat to take a croissant and bread order…he’d be back by 0800 the next day to deliver and take payment…True to my expectation…we didn’t see him again…So no croissant for breakfast.