Logbook – VRSA – Mazagon 11 Jul 24
Not a great night of sleep with a late joiner to the anchorage messing with my ‘chi’. You never know how well someone else has anchored and hoe safe they are. But having arrived at night you have to assume they are experienced sailors.
We awoke to a beautiful day with strong winds from the West. 90 degrees off and 5 knots stronger than forecast. Nothing new there!
So we prepped and departed under power to catch the falling tide and make use of both the depth and speed that it gains us going across the bar at Vila Real. The bridge is no longer a challenge having steamed under it several times at high tide. It does however retain the title of ‘laxative bridge’!
Good winds gave us 4 hours of great sailing today but the calm over the lunchtime had us with the engine on for the last few hours.
Mazagon is a useful anchorage for those on their way to Cadiz a further afield. It is well protected with great holding. But it has a party beach and an industrial area up river which support big ships at high tide. Not ideal for the weary sailor but a small price to pay for a safe haven in most winds.

Tomorrow we push on towards Rota and Cadiz.