Logbook – Barbate – Bolonia – La Linea 15-16 Jul 24
A noisy night of the Spanish partying til 5. Wow, I know they like soccer but winning the Euros really pushed them over the top! Great to hear but still craving that good night sleep.
Laundry and boat prep before we positioned in a local bay – Ensenada de Bolonia – ready for any early push through the straits.
The bay was amazing with a fantastic roman amphitheatre and ruins and long clean beach. The cove was protected from the wind from the North and West which gave us a great afternoon. But as the wind dropped and the tide changed we ended up in a very rolly anchorage. The North Atlantic swell started to filled the anchorage, but at that stage we were committed to the location.

As dawn arose, we motored out of the bay with light winds and pressed on towards Tarifa. A yacht that might have set of early from Barbate was slightly ahead of us and provided a lead around the headland. I expected stronger overspills and wind changes but we have timed it correctly.

Arriving at Tarifa, -3hr HW in Gib gave us a strong assisting tide and the increasing westerly supported the trip NE.
The transit was easier than the Bristol Channel and although the wind increased in the Gib bay, it was a creat trip.

The hardest part of the trip was avoiding the big ships that just seem to expect you to be psychic.
The official sound signals don’t seem to used by the larger boats here! Andy nearly ‘fouled her britches’ when a tanker blew the horn to gain our attention rather then indicate going Starboard.
The anchorage at La Linear and it is good holding and not too busy with easy access to town by leaving your dinghy in the marina (€6 per day).

We picked a religious festival day with a dozen or so boats dressed and noisy displaying a religious icon and we suspect dropped into the water to protest fishermen and sailors.

The anchorage waxed and wained visitors during the day with a handful looking like they are staying over night. Hopefully the wind drops soon and we can grab some shuteye. La Linea town and Gibraltar tomorrow.