Logbook – La Herradura – Adra – 30 Jul 24
A leisurely start with boat checks and coffee. The steering quadrant needed some lubrication and the engine seems to be dropping coolant as though it doesn’t need as much as prescribed. I keep topping it up be there is a definite ‘spitting’ out into the engine floor. Well it keeps it clean!
Some wind today so we set sail towards Adra. And wanting the sail and enjoy the quiet we were content at a slower pace for a few hours.
The wind didn’t pick up I as planned so we elects to motor the last few miles to Marina Motril wher we managed to find a berth.
New to ned mooring and with Eclipse not enjoying steering backwards, we ended up secure but bow to the pontoon. We don’t really have a solution for disembarking over the bow and while I’m part monkey and happy to swing to the quay, Andy become stranded.
Which meant I did the shopping and the usually shore side chores.
No matter, as it was for only one night.
I’d recommend Mottril as a stay over. Very friendly and helpful staff with good English. Also relative cost effective and they have ‘loan’ bikes to allow you to get into town. It might be a good haul put place too if you’ve some work to do.