
Logbook – Almeria – Cabo da Gato – 4 Aug 24

A great stay in Almeria, but time to move on. So a little after lunch we slipped and managed to get 90 minutes of sailing. Eclipse doesn’t point into wind well and the tide and swell was against us. But at least we managed a few sailing miles before the engine took us the last 5 miles to the anchorage. With an easterly wind due, a nook to the West of the peninsula should be a perfect little spot for the night. The peninsula is a national park, popular with families and van lifers.

There have been suggestions that the local maritime police will move you on from the anchorage. However, the regulations for the park indicate…No anchoring on sea grass, no anchoring within 200m of the beach and 50m of the coast away from beaches.

Following these rules we had no issues and the Maritime Police passed by uninterested in us or anyone else in the anchorage.

Cabo da Gato

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