
Logbook – Bilboa to Santander 11 Aug 19

Up and away at a reasonable hour (0800)  we refilled Eclipse in preparation for our move to make good our Santander port call before heading further West.  The rest and diversion to Bilboa had delayed us a couple of days so we needed to press on.

The boat was remarkably inscathed after her ordeal in Biscay.  Some minor scrapes and a bearing in the steering making a minor groan (don’t we all!) and I can fix that later.

Lights winds meant we were again on the engine.  I’d nipped up the bolts and given it a thorough check after Biscay and it continued to run well now that it had been correctly fitted and aligned by Nick of Falmouth Harbour Marine Services.

The trip to Santander was uneventful apart from the increasing headwind towards the end of the day.  We’d planned to hide from the next blow at Anchor so we pressed on towards the tight entry to Santander’s river and small bay.  

As we approached we saw a ferry that looked like it was at anchor but no lights or anchor ball showing.  At distance it was hard to tell if it was moving so we made a bold move to indicate our intentions. Nothing from the ferry.

As we approached we finally saw the anchor chain and pressed on. And just as we did, there was a plume of smoke and ferry started to make way…No sound signals again.

We manoeuvred to avoid him and he turned towards us. So we turned in a loop to avoid and delay. Then he slowed down.  It’s hard not to feel like you are being played with when a ferry takes actions that are hard to avoid. Finally we tucked in behind him to avoid him and anticipate his moves.  Clearly he’d lost interest now as he proceeded into the channel as his sister ship came out. 

Just before dark we nestled into a very busy anchorage and laid out lots of chain to cope with the coming blow. That lesson from the Scillies will not easily be forgotten…chain in the locker is only ballast and does you no good at anchor.

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