Logbook – Les Sable to Port Medoc 6 Aug 19

The weather was less favourable this morning and it became clear that the long push to Port Medoc would be difficult to complete.
The exit to Les Sables was less eventful but it seemed as if everyone was heading south and we joined the parade of yachts heading downstream like another in a procession of elephants, trunks holding tails!
Once clear of the beach we put the sails up and watched them flog in the light winds.
With boat speed much reduced, it looked like we’d be arriving at Port Medoc, on an unfavourable tide and with hazardous overfalls barring our way, at night.
So the better option was to anchor earlier and rest prior to heading across Biscay so we change tack and dropping into the lee of Ile De Re to rest up and prepare for the 190 mile crossing of the SE corner of Biscay.
The anchorage was well protected apart from a little swell but is was a relaxing afternoon in the sun.
The weather looked good the next day with a low heading well to the West giving us fair winds for sailing during the day and reducing wind overnight before a wind shift to take us towards Santander. Perfect.