Logbook – Sesimbra to Sines 29 Aug 19
With only 30 miles to run to Sines we could afford a slightly later start and so raised the anchor at 0830 to again press South. Sines has a small inner harbour inside a much larger anchorage, a berthing port making the approach busy and with potential danger from larger vessels, tugs and other traffic.
Light winds left us motoring all day and we rounded Cabo de Sines at 1435

As we proceeded towards the anchorage, a larger tanker was being assisted into its berth. This required 4 tugs and the tanker under steam. With so many moving parts in a confined area, it was better for us to hold off until the traffic moved. It is surprising how confusing it can be to watch large vessels under tow. Ships, tugs, tow lines and other vessels make for a difficult picture to follow.
So we backed off until the tanker had been turned 180 degrees and berthed to the West.
The run into Sines was then very simple and the afternoon at anchor taking in the sunshine was a nice break. Tidal swell provided a gentle rocking motion and a pleasant night and a surprisingly quiet anchorage.
The anchorage is also overlooked by an impressive and imposing castle which is well worth a visit if you chose to stay for a while.