Mylor Marina

Mylor Marina, tucked into the Western edge of the Carrick roads offers another marina option for the sailor visiting Falmouth.
With a dredged channel at the entrance, the marina is accessible at low tides but doesn’t cater for drafts greater than 2.5m.
The marina is well protected but in a E or SE blow, the outside of the visitor pontoon (E) is somewhat exposed and prone to a confused swell, so fender well.
The marina itself is well supported with a very good chandlery, a cafe and a restaurant.
Visiting yacht crews have the opportunity to use the yacht club facilities. The yacht club seems comfortable and friendly but never seemed busy apart from a few functions in the evenings and weekends. The club does offer a good alternative to the other pub on-site and a good place to meet with other sailors visiting Mylor.

The facilities are clean and modern with showers but no baths and no specific family cubicles. However, some of the shower cubicles are spacious enough for an adult with children.
The laundry is also modern and clean with large loads possible (sleeping bags and quilts). Wash cost £4 using pound coins. Dryers cost 50 pence for 15 minutes.The only downside to staying at Mylor marina is the distance to the local shops. Mylor Bridge is just over a mile away. It is a pleasant walk but limits what you can carry back. It offers a grocery shop with local produce, a butchers, a fish and chip shop, a dentist (brilliantly named Gentle Dental!) and 2 hairdressers! The local pub is the Lemon Arms which is popular and has a small beer garden.
Flushing is about a mile and a half away and also has a small local grocery shop. Smaller than Mylor Bridge, it offers 3 pubs and a cafe. Flushing is also the departure point for the Flushing – Falmouth ferry which charges £3 a trip.

Mylor does have a heavy lift capacity up to 35 tonnes and you can stay ashore in the valley and still live aboard (somewhat treehouse like). However, being tidal, the lift is only in use for part of the day and so there is often a wait of a few days for a lift out or in, so book early.
Mylor Marine Team
Mylor does have an outstanding engineering support team and I managed to et several smaller jobs done quite quickly. Having a chandlery on site also helps with those ‘pop up’ requirements.