Oxwich Bay – Gower Peninsula

Oxwich Bay – Gower Peninsula
N51 33 60
W004 07 50
This is another very underused anchorage in my experience. Although the last time I anchored there with a strong SW I suspect many had recognised its value and that discretion was the better part of valour.
The small bay has a steadily shallowing approach and a sand and mud bottom with good holding.
There are some submarine cables to avoid and a wreck to the North of Oxwich point, which is quite close in so easily avoided. The wreck also offers some reasonable fishing opportunities but my usual luck played out and it was tinned food again!
Avoid the moorings as they tend to be for local fishermen and you will be woken rudely if one returns and youre on his patch!
Tidal as always in the Bristol channel, the swirls moved us gently but caused no problem despite the tempest outside.
No charge
Good views
Easy access back to the channel
Potentially good fishing
Can be very ‘lumpy’ with an Easterly or Southerly blow so move on if such winds are in the forecast.
Credit – Image – Whitby Sea Anglers
Credit -Image – Sue Denim